Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday 8/8/2009

It is Saturday night before dinner and we just returned to the seminary after a much shorter day out.

This morning we stayed in and did some preparation work for the activities of this coming week. Now that all of our gear is here we practiced skits, the children practiced instruments and some of the adults did preparations for things to come. It was a relatively peaceful morning in the seminary dorms.

We have few pictures to share today because we only went to the market for a little shopping and did not have a full slate of activities during the day.

A little bit about where we are staying: This building appears to be almost new (still unfinished actually). Apparently construction was begun about 10 years ago and they have been held up by repeated delays some from the government and I suspect funds related as well. They do not have an occupancy permit yet for the building but apparently here that is less serious than in the USA. Anyway we are here, have clean showers and relatively decent accommodations. We Americans aren't as tolerant to outside influences as the locals. We drink bottled water where the locals drink regular water. The beds have fleas so we have to bring flea spray. (We brought our own sheets). There is no air conditioning but fortunately the nights have been relatively cool. There are fans in the room and this is helpful. They don't have Wifi but we brought our own. (There is a cabled network connection that is up some but not all of the time for internet access).

We do have a few shots taken in the Ukrainian market. First things first. Almost NOTHING appears to be made in Ukraine. It's hard to even find a Ukrainian souvenir here. Everything here, like in the USA is made in a foreign country -- much of it in China. Ugh. Here they have Poland and Turkey to supplement much like we have Mexico and Central America.

Suffice it to say that people can get tired of shopping here in the Ukraine just like they can in the states. (Although it might be difficult to buy a watch in the states for just over $1.00)

Those of us (the blog manager specifically) that hate shopping made it through the day without major damage. The rest seem to have accomplished their goal of buying cheap foreign made goods at a reasonable price. Hopefully most of these items will last at least through the rest of the week. :-)

It is almost time for dinner and then we will meet together as a team to study. See you all soon!

Spogum! (Go with God!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Me again. I hope you bought some of the baked goods at the grocery store. They are fabulous!! Two years ago we were on the fourth floor and had to walk a lot of stairs all the time, I assume you are on the second floor. How is the weather? As you get more rested the dogs at night will get to you more. I absolutely love reading yor updates, keep up the good work. I pray thoughout the day for you and you are on my mind constantly. Love, Dawn
