Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quick update. VBS Day 4 complete

VBS DAY 4 - A quick update (more later)

We finished and had a great day with the kids today on Day #4. As the group grew the kids grew more restless and today we had increased difficulty maintaining order. Regardless the kids heard the message and had a great time.

Kent did his usual fabulous job of communicating. The message was clear and the kids were entranced by the examples.

Everyone enjoyed participating in some form with the students this morning. I must admit I was a bit melancholy as we know this is quickly coming to an end and we so enjoy working here.

Today the Hoekwaters did their skit. It was entertaining and directly to the point of the message. After lots of practice it feels good to be able to put the practice into real life action - albeit for only a fleeting moment.

The kids have made some dear friends here during the week.

And while Steve is still searching for his spiritual gift, we tried some new things again today. He is clearly gifted in dock smashing and tape dispensing. :-)

Ok - enough picking on Steve. He's very much at home here working with the team and we appreciate his guidance. I am so thankful to have his advice on some of the weird human stuff that always comes up when we (humans) do church. i like to joke that the church would be perfect if it weren't for all of the sinners... Thank God he doesn't feel that way.

This afternoon we are taking a little time off (a couple of hours) and then will be going to homes of believers tonight for dinner and or snacks and conversation. There will likely not be much time to post. Some of us will skip the regular dinner here at the seminary because we will have dinner at the house of the host family. If I get a chance to post more then I will.

I'm late for lunch. Updates later as time allows....

1 comment:

  1. You obviously finished well and I'm sure when you leave on Sunday part of your heart will remain in Odessa. I am most excited about how all of you built a relationship with Denise. She needs much prayer and she just gained a huge new family to uphold her. Thank You all for your willingness to go where God lead you. Love, Dawn
